“Life is unpredictable,” said Chad Hainsley Immanuel Paul on his Facebook page in 2016. “They see you smile but they don’t know what you feel inside... God said to me, ‘my son, patience defeats anything and everything. If you don’t have patience within, how can you have patience for me?’” (2017)


Passionately called Chaddy, and self-proclaimed, Maddog from in his early 20s, Chad was gifted to the earth on December 3, 1984 and was taken back on September 26, 2023 – three days before his mom, Michele Blood-Paul’s birthday.

His body was entrusted to the Rudolfo Funeral Home, POS, Trinidad, and on October 6 from 9:32am, his life was celebrated for 1hr 45 min at All Saints Anglican Church, Marli Street, POS.

Mourners way exceeded the church's 400-seating capacity. Canon Jacob officiated, assisted by lay preacher and family friend, Helen Joy-Ible, both of whom led the reception of the body. As allowed by his dad, Lt. Col Brian Paul (Ret’d), pallbearers were Chad’s ‘homies’ clad in Chad-personalized tees. At varying aspects: his dad, and cousins Nigel, Joel, Akini.

His mother, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins, and some other very close loved ones, working colleagues, were deliberately attired in anything but traditional black or sombre colours, as per honoring Chad’s love for colours.

All Saints Church lay preacher Helen Joy-Ible and Canon Jacob lead the reception of Chad's body.

Apart from the prelude – a recorded version of Goodness of God - by Pelham Goddard, specially-selected hymns, a Reading of Wisdom 3:1-5, 9 by younger and sole sibling, Isaiah, and other usual service elements, that leg of the celebration included musical tributes by family friends, iconic entertainer and evangelist, Christopher Herbert who sang To God Be The Glory and closed off the celebration with Give God The Praise, and acclaimed calypsonian Karen Eccles, after the intercessory prayers with, It Is Well With My Soul.

Canon Jacob opened his Homily drawing upon the pictures on the hard-copy programme. He remarked that he saw a loving father, a loving cousin, a friend…, and posed the question:

“How much more potential must be lost to crime and violence, and the rest of it, before we wake up and recognize the things that are most important in this life. How many more of our young men must die. How much more blood must be spilled before we recognize the value of a human being?” He also asked, "how can this be different?"


Some salient lessons were, “This is not the end. God loaned Chad to us for a while. Thank God for what Chad shared. Not to take this life for granted. God gives us grace. No parent expects to bury a child, so the pain is made worse by that.

Chad's mom, Michele, front, and Chad's and her boss, Marcelle Ferdinand, behind, compose themselves as the body of Chad nears the church's altar for the start of the celebration of his life at All Saints Church on October 6, 2023, with pallbearers being Chad's friends.

Chad's sole surviving sibling, Isaiah, left, US-based cousin Akini, Chad's aunt Elizabeth, Christopher Herbert, Chad's step-mom Maria, and his dad Brian, at Chad's celebration of life.

Chad's eldest child Zahryia, right, with Chad's US-based aunt; his mom's sister Angeli, who consoles his mom, Michele.

Isiah reads Wisdom 3:1-5,9 during his brother, Chad Hainsley Immanuel Paul's funeral service.

How does a young man named Immanuel come to such an end. Do you know what Immanuel means? ‘God with us.’ We really need to ask ourselves: how did we get to this point? God wants us to understand the things he has placed in our hands; understand ways in which we are responsible for each other….”


Diminishing life: He referenced the being-a-doctor, engineer, or lawyer scenario; if unable to achieve, life is viewed as diminished, and the other end of the spectrum, the 50 Cent ‘get-rich-or-die-trying’ scenario and everything else that falls in between those two extremes...

Karen Eccles sings It Is Well With My Soul at Chad's funeral.

The purpose God put us here for: To build self, up and be better; be loving and compassionate. If we truly receive and acknowledge and understand the love that’s held as received from Chad, we would forgive him for ways in which he may have fallen short of expectations. Consider the notion that each day is a gift not to be taken for granted, but to be lived in the love of God’s purpose…. We should thank God for the gift of life and opportunities. Acknowledge God more; thank Him during the day as often as possible; put ourselves in God’s hands and in the things in the Kingdom that God has set for us….


Thanking God for Chad: Thank God for Chad’s life – the love he shared, the lives he influenced; the persons who are part of that life. Hold on to that notion because God is the only judge. Canon Jacob also said he doesn’t believe in coincidences, and the two weeks were rough, but some important things came to mind. He told a story about two people turning up to face God – a self-appointed accountant and a self-appointed evangelist against the grains of what God wanted. His question: If people turn to God just a little bit more, about the things they set for themselves and things they choose and do, what will that look like?


The invitation from God: The invitation from God via his son; to come into his rule/God, and allow that to be the predominant thing in our lives. When we align ourselves with them, then we do not fear anything – not even death. He quoted a line in the 23rd psalm: ‘Yea though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I shall fear no evil.’ He touched on godly. Godly isn’t easy, but at the resurrection, we’ll see the person along with other loved ones face to face, and that’s a promise. The day of Chad’s celebration was a day for committing ourselves to understanding that we really do not know how many days we have, and trusting God to lead us through the days that are ahead of us, one day at a time.

A day for remembering: Chad’s celebration was a day for remembering the God we serve who is sovereign over all, is able to bring good from evil, to restore what has been taken, and to lift us up when we are crushed. We are comforted by the resurrection that is promised; see those who we love face to face. All authority is given to Him, even the dead shall live in the power and life that are given to Him. He referenced Mark gospel, part of the 10th chapter.


Meeting the ‘new’ place: The place that’s different from this one after physical death. We too have to prepare ourselves to meet that place. We have to allow God to be with us, and we with Him.

‘You know the secrets of our hearts: In your mercy hear our prayer, forgive us our sins, and at our last hour let us not fall away from you…., not sorrowing as those without hope; but in thankful remembrance of your great goodness, and in the joyful expectation of eternal life with those they love.’

The former soldier and now late employee of JD Sellier & Co Legal Services, also his mom’s employer, drew his boss, acclaimed lawyer Marcelle Ferdinand, and other legal practitioners and non-legal personnel, respectively: David Charles, Prescilla Rodriguez, Kimberly Molligan, Adrian McMillan, Scott Saldenah, Meera Sammy, Coryse Phillips, Michael Arneaud, Ariane Ramnath, Avernelle Greene, April Monderoy, Melissa Alexander, Cynthia Nanton and former employee, Josette Jacelon among others.

Via his US-based cousin, veteran US Marine, Akini, Chad’s Orlando friends: Peanut (Navy), Shorty, and Boop (civilians), HDot, Darby, Mac, Big G and Twiggy (Marine), extended condolences and love to his mom, brother, children, and companion Asha Mason.

A plethora of VVIMourners celebrated. In part, The Honourable Government Minister Donna Cox, retired Brigadiers and Colonels of the TTDF including Chad’s god-father, Colin Lindsay Mitchell, and financial executives.

The celebration continued at the Long Circular Crematorium, St. James, where Chad’s uncle, Peter Ray Blood thanked everyone for coming. With Chad always wanting a send-off by his favorite steel orchestra, current reigning large band Panorama champs 2023, bp Renegades, as his body was being taken to the incineration area and thereafter, frontline player Xavier Williams, 22, performed.

The final phase of the celebration came by way of a very impromptu, very small and intimate repast at his mom’s Cascade home, where among other light moments, a toast was raised for Chad by his mom.

In addition to those who remembered the family during their time of bereavement, Chad’s mom wishes to also thank the professionals who provided services, in part: All Saints Church, St. James Medical Complex, St. James Police Station, Homicide Unit at Riverside Plaza, Forensic Science Centre, the funeral home, crematorium and officers that provided security. 

Chad had a special message for children and fathers which he let the world know via two profound posts on social media:

“I helped pay my momma bills. I ain’t got no time to chill. Work hard like Chinee. Goodness!” and “Every day is Mother’s Day for me. Honour thy mother…”, and young fathers: “Even if you are not doing good by your children’s mother, always mind your children.”

Chad's two younger children, Zaim, 2, held by his aunt Suelin, and Zalayhar, 3, held by her mom Asha, look at their dad in his coffin.

  An unknown part of Chad’s life to many as revealed by many mourners, was that he helped the elderly and those in need.

  On the twentieth Sunday after Pentecost (October 15), still deep in grief, Chad’s mom, quoted: “For many are called, but few are chosen.”

 ‘Chaddy’ – philosopher, unique loving person who gave God the praise


·          You must have some order with yourself. Do it right or don’t do it at all. Disorder leads to destruction not construction. Believe in God, and God alone.

·          When God knows your innocence, He has great glory for you over mankind.

·          Watch who you trust. Even your teeth bite your tongue now and then.

·          My setbacks may amuse you, but my comeback may confuse you.

·          When being humble, the right things start falling into place.

·          Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below you.

·          If youths have faith or belief that they have a future in this life, all is well. See pass evil and look for the good… (ForSight, Vision)

·          My goal is not to be better than anyone as nobody’s perfect, but to be better than I used to.